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Following God's Will Instead of Your Own

In a world that often tells us to pursue our own desires, ambitions, and dreams, the concept of surrendering our will to God can seem counterintuitive. Yet, as Christians, our ultimate purpose is to lead others back to God. This mission manifests in various ways—some are called to entertain, others to practice law, teach, or pastor. Regardless of our vocation, our task is to shine a light that draws people back to the source of all life, Jesus Christ.

Surrender and Obedience

Following God’s will requires surrender and obedience. Surrendering means letting go of our plans and desires and allowing God to guide us. Obedience means putting God first and ourselves last, serving in humility even when we think we should be leading. It’s about asking the Holy Spirit to guide us so we don’t lose our way. Despite our primary purpose of saving souls and spreading the gospel, we must continually seek God’s direction in how He wants us to shine His light.

Living in God’s Will: Practical Tips

1. Daily Prayer and Bible Study: Begin each day by seeking God’s guidance through prayer and reading His Word. Ask Him to reveal His will for your day and your life.

2. Listen to the Holy Spirit: Cultivate a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s promptings. This could be a sense of peace about a decision, a scripture that stands out, or advice from a trusted Christian friend.

3. Serve Others: Look for opportunities to serve those around you. Jesus came to serve, not to be served, and He calls us to do the same. Serving others can often reveal God’s purpose for you.

4. Stay Humble: Remember that God’s ways are higher than our ways. Stay humble and open to His leading, even when it doesn’t make sense to you.

5. Seek Wise Counsel: Surround yourself with mature Christians who can offer guidance and support. They can help you discern God’s will and encourage you to stay on His path.

6. Be Patient: God’s timing is perfect, even when it doesn’t align with our own. Be patient and trust that He is working all things together for good.

7. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly take time to reflect on your life and make adjustments as needed. Are you still aligned with God’s will? Are there areas where you’ve taken back control?

Living in God’s will is a journey of faith and trust. It’s about putting God first, serving others, and being obedient to His leading. As we do this, we become lights that lead others back to Him, fulfilling our ultimate purpose in life. May we each seek to follow God’s will and shine His light in all that we do.

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